La Flor de la Salud


Chelation Therapy

Today, we have in our bodies between 400 and 700 times more heavy metal quantities then generations 100 years ago. Intravenous chelation is used largely in people that have problems with arteriosclerosis (hardening of and/or obstruction of the arteries) could resolve in a quick manner or even prolong life in years. Moreover, it is an excellent preventive method to slow aging.

CHELATION—among other things— «cleans» the arteries producing a major flow of blood to the organism. Because it represents an effective therapy, specially as a preventive measure, in cases of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction or phlebitis, among other ailments.

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Arteriosclerosis is a problem and a very important health challenge that is confronted in actual medicine. Due to its direct consequences and major participation in pathological degenerative processes it is a principle factor of mortality and quality of life. Therefore, avoiding arteriosclerosis supposes avoiding all cardiovascular illnesses. In addition to aging slower with a better quality of life.

After chelation it could be considered as a means to prolong life by slowing down the natural aging process.

This way, we know that:

It’s an efficacious «sweeper» of free radical..
• Reduces the pathological deposits of calcium in the interior of arteries as well as, in other areas.
• Reduces, by entrapment and through posterior urinary elimination, toxic bivalent metals like lead, mercury etc.
• Reinstates the enzymatic activity of the arterial wall affected due to the toxicity of some metals,
• Decreases the platelet aggregation, important factor in the formation of clots and intravascular thrombosis.

How does Chelation treatment work?
— Basically, administration by slow infusion of a chelating agent: EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid).

And what pathological processes perform better with chelation therapy? —First, arteriosclerosis as primary involvement of the entire vascular system. Then, within this general pathology, we notice that some of their locations respond better than others. In this way, is particularly indicated in the following cases:

• Vascular occlusive pathology of the lower limbs.
• Pathology of the coronary arteries.
• Pathology of the cerebral arteries.
• Anti aging.

The chelation therapy like no other, in a single process provides a several effects that make it the most health project that improves the quality of life of the chronically ill patients.

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